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Statement from the organization Home
The main person behind this project is me, Xavier. I am originally from Andalusia, the main region in southern Spain. Before coming to London I lived in Seville (Spain) and in California.
Página principal en Espaņol
I came to the United Kingdom with the intention of working in a newspaper and finishing my Bachelor of Arts. In the last five years I have lived mainly in North and East London.
For the moment I collaborate with a portal for black sexual minorities. I am also finishing my Masters of Arts. I participate in groups such as ELOP, Haringay, Gay East London and the LGB of my University. I believe there is a need for a space where Spanish Speaking sexual minorities can network.
I look forward to the enrichment of sharing personal experiences and cultures in a Spanish Speaking setting. I hope to get support from the the above mentioned groups and from entities who might be interested in this.

If you want to get in touch or are interested in participating please send an email to: .